Monday, April 18, 2011

Rollin' with my Homies

 Aren't they sooo cute! I was watching my good friend Carina's kiddos and they were itchin' to ride the jeep.  They had such a blast! Just imagine them when they're all grown up, they be rollin' down the street like there sooo cool!! Okay, don't know if I wanna think about that yet lol! Poor Noah didn't get to be in on the fun cause he was sleeping...maybe next time huh!

Carson got a little distracted and decided to play on the play set!

And when that got boring, he decided to go play with the tonka truck!!

Alex just had to try out driving, he's not bad at all, I don't know about the backing up part though...Jeremy might have to work with him on that one lol!

What a fun day for the kids to hang out!! Thanks Carina for letting them come play!!

1 comment:

  1. Those are some cute pics! I do have to say Alisha that they constantly BEG to go to your house, lol! If I have to go to the store even, "Mom, just drop us off at Sis. Medrano's house, she won't mind!" Haha, thank you for helping out with the kids so much lately! They Love you and your family :)
    P.S. Alex probably got the bad backing up from me... lol, every accident I've been in has been backing up!
