Saturday, September 17, 2011

Start Your Engine...

Sam's Walking!

I can't believe how big my baby is getting.  He's now 10 months and starting to walk! He loves his brothers and sisters as you can tell especially Noah.  It's almost like they knew each other and played together in the pre-existence cause their like this (crossing my fingers).  He's been developing quite a little personality between his fake cries and his "cheesy" smile. To be honest, I kinda forgot when he started crawling:-( I think it was around 4-5 months? Guess I need to keep up more on this stuff lol.  Anyhow, he's in to anything and everything and I can barely keep up with him.  He's also decided that he loves his stuffed dinosaur and sometimes won't let it go for nothing. He's my little "chunky monkey" he now weighs 23lbs and eats like crazy, it's funny cause he has no teeth yet but seems to do just fine gumming everything. Yes you read that right, HE HAS NO TEETH Lol. Even though he was our little "surprise" we sure are blessed that we have him.  He completes our family. I love this little "man" of mine!

Here he is climbing G'ma Ayling's stairs

I thought this was cute, I let the boys play outside and this is where they decided to put Sam!


  1. Oh my goodness, he's adorable! Baleigh has been taking a couple steps for the past few weeks, but even still, she isn't as coordinated as Sam. He is walking really well!!! It's insane that they are so young and walking already. It's too soon. They are our babies, they shouldn't be walking yet.

  2. Ooohhhh he is sooo cute! He really looks different than your others too. So sweet that his older brothers love him so much. It's like the more kids we have the easier it is to forget when milestones happen. Unlike the first couple everything was documented. They definitely keep you busy but hey, it's worth it and helps keep you from being bored. :)

  3. Oh I missed your little family so much watching this! (sniff, sniff) That's so amazing, they grow up way too fast
