Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Hairstyle blog or not?

Okay, so after posting sooo many different hairstyles that I've done on my girls' hair, I need to know if maybe I should just start a blog just for that? I was thinking that if I do, I could post the different ways I tweak hairstyles I get from different blogs or even the ones I come up with myself.  I could even demonstrate on video if I find the time to.  So after posting this post of more hairstyles could ya let me know whatcha think I should do?

So this one is called a twist braid.  It took me a little bit to catch on, but as soon as I did it was a piece of cake. 

I did one on both sides then pulled the rest of the hair into a french twist with the hair flipped out at the top.  I got it from!

I also got this one from  It's called french braids with flair.

 This one I've done before, but I tweaked it a little this time by making it look like a headband instead of making two braids.

The nice thing about letting the girls sleep in there hair sometimes is that I can just take it out and it looks like this...

All I did was add a bow to the side and Voila!!


  1. You are so gifed! I think that you should start a blog. Maybe after Rebekah sees it, then she will let me do her hair everyday!

  2. I love it when you post your girls' hair-do of the day, so I think a blog would be great. I'm sure it would help a lot of other people out there, too who need an extra bit of inspiration.

  3. Yes, you could totally do a hair-style blog! I love seeing how it all turns out. And I too let the wave come out the next day when I braid Cami's hair... who needs a triple barrell when you know how to braid ;)
