Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Swimming Party Anyone??

It's been alot of fun having a swimming pool! These last couple of days the weather has been perfect to just go jump in a nice cold pool!
Noah ran off in his swim diaper to go put Isaiah's rain boots on.  What a little ham he is!!

Say cheese!!

The kids just loving the fresh water!!

Anyone up for a water fight? Alayna is!!

Sam, preparing to get into the water!!

Just couldn't resist this one!! Daddy is soo much fun in the water!!

Okay Sam, your turn!!

I didn't get to get pics of Sam and me in the water cause everyone was in the water and no one wanted to get out to take a pic...Sam had soo much fun though.  He really shocked me because usually my babies at 7 months old can barely even stay in the cold water for 5 minutes or so.  Not Samuel, he stayed in there for almost an hour and then it was time to get him out when his lips started turning blue!! It's nice to have a pool! Maybe in the future Manuel will finally give in and actually drop a pool in our backyard where the pond is.  Until then, this will have to do!!


  1. YOU HAVE A POOL???? When did this all happen? Well, we know where we're going to be hanging out all Summer. You know I've got to work on that tan ;-) It looks like a blast.

  2. Its so nice to have a pool. I just wish that it would warm up a little more over here. Oh well, I can't complain too much. At least we have some SUNSHINE!!!!! :)

  3. Noah and Sammuel look just like their DAD!!!!!!
