Thursday, March 17, 2011

St. Patrick's Day

Haaaappppy St. Patrick's Day!!! My girls have been waiting for this day because they wanted me to try some new hairstyles that go along with today. So, I gave it a whirl and tried some different things.  This is what we came up with.  Note that I get most of my ideas from this website!

Arieanna's is supposed to be a three leaf clover!

Alayna's is supposed to be a rainbow with a pot of gold at the end (that's why I put a yellow chongo).

 After all the chaos this morning I was having a little brain fart and put Noah's pants on wrong. But I managed to later get them right lol!

Well, I hope everyone enjoys their St. Patrick's  Day! I know I am (pinching the heck out of my husband, he's not wearing greeeen!)


  1. Love the hairstyles. Wish my girls liked bows and headbands in their hair. Only a chongo or simple barrett works for them. Guess I shouldn't complain too much though right, keeps things simpler. Lol

  2. Oh my goodness, you are SO creative. Where the heck do you find the time and the patience??? I need to hire you to do my girls' hair, because if they are counting on me to make it cute, they're in for a lot of disappointment.

    P.S. I tried commenting on a bunch of your posts a couple of days ago, but it wouldn't let me. Just know that I'm reading and think you're hilarious.

  3. LOL...ALISHA! LOVE the Girls hair. Seeing Noah just made my day. I have done that before. SEVERAL times! :) LOVE YA!

  4. Haha, Noahs' pants! That was too funny :) LOVe, love, loved, the girls hair :)

  5. Alisha! I found your blog through Ashleigh's...I hope you don't mind! Can I just say that your girls are GORGEOUS, and you are super talented at doing their hair! I know you get ideas from the internet, but I could never just look at a picture to do a hairstyle! Impressive. I love the theme hairstyles--rainbow and clover--so fun! If Rose ever grows hair (ha ha) then I want lessons!
